Orthopedic or Medical Massage
Before you explore the pages on advanced therapeutic techniques such as MAT and MET, I would like to offer a few observations on this type of massage. There is an ongoing debate as to what IS considered medical massage and what the curriculum standards should be for degrees and certifications. It is important for your health and safety as a client to investigate any massage therapists' claim that they are qualified to perform medical massage. Simply graduating with a degree or certificate from a program that says that it focuses on 'medical massage' is not enough. It takes years of additional training and perhaps more importantly practicing on clients and achieving solid results. Choose any massage therapist with care, but perhaps pay more attention to how long they have been practicing and the focus of their work when looking for someone who can compliment any medical care you may be under or if you are in need of more intensive or rehabilitative work.

The Massage Therapy Body of Knowledge has established the following as a current standard:
"Clinical Massage – Massage therapy practice involving more extensive use of assessment, specific focused techniques and applications with the intention of achieving clinical treatment or functional outcomes and remediation of symptoms, also referred to as treatment, orthopedic or medical massage."

Please note that is beyond our scope of practice to diagnose or prescribe anything at anytime. No massage therapist is allowed by law or training, to tell a client "You have sciatica", to do so is beyond our level of degree and is a sign that you need to go elsewhere for treatment. While through experience we can identify symptoms and treat them accordingly, when doing so a skilled massage therapist will advise to seek medical attention if the problem is serious and you have not had any true relief.